GSL Business Advisory
This project consisted of providing tasks to support the research development and civil activities being executed by GSL both at Vicksburg, MS and remote field sites. SOL has performed technical reviews, computer modeling, report preparation, expert advice, and recommendations. Additional duties include preparing test sites, fabrication/installing test instruments, coordinates and conduct of major field investigation; theoretical studies;laboratory experimental work and computational modeling.
SOL's responsibilities include:
Airfields and Pavements
Performed work on Airfield Arrestor System
Developed proposed "underbelly blast" test matrix
Analyzed and documented results of 59 IMD ""underbelly blast test"
Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences Branch (GEGB)
Organized and verified dam inventory data
Used Geothermal Investigations to analyze data
Collected and analyzed water samples
Entered & organized Data Reduction and Soft Soil Analysis information
Impact and Explosion Effects Branch
Took measurements of shot effects
Developed proposed "underbelly blast" test matrix
Analyzed and documented results of 59 IMD "underbelly blasts tests"
Survivability Engineering Branch (SvEB)
Prepared site and assembled material for testing
Performed testing on rivets of 200 KIP loader
Worked on AutoCAD drawings for rebar mats
Entered SIA data for for two Army garrisons
Updated Redstone data for underwater inspections and routine bridge reports
Prepared test beds for future tests on SPEDX program at BBTS
Provided QC measurements and test results
Conducted small-scale QA/QC validation cratering experiments for BPNM
Consolidated MPS components from trucks as they were delivered
Structural Mechanics Branch
Completed forms & back filling for concrete slabs for thin arch dam at Big Black River test site
Prepared formwork for CIPR Powerhouse walls
Redesigned placement of spillway gates
Worked on DFP Guard Tower to ensure parts worked properly
Mobility Systems Branch (MSB)
Conducted site preparation for military vehicle testing
Monitored tire pressure and weight of test vehicles
Installed and adjusted instrumentation for military test vehicles
Assisted with transport, site prep, and vehicle recovery
Performed site preparation for military explosive testing
Installed and adjusted instrumentation for explosive testing