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Business Advisory & Scientific Technical Support

SOL has employed as many as sixty-seven (67) personnel to carry out ninety-seven (97) assigned task orders. The functional areas of assigned tasks have included Concrete and Materials Testing. Mobility Systems Technology, Weapons and Explosive Effects Technology, Railroad Inspection Program, Laboratory Support, Management/Integrations and general support of GSL.


SOL responsibilities include:


Reachback Services to USACE, Army, and DOD

  • Developing and maintaining applications and systems across all networks (i.e. Corpsnet, Research and Development Environment, CENTRIXS-K and SIPR enclaves)

  •  Conducting tests and evaluating new hardware and software prior to its release, and creating training and informational literature for students to use 

Geophysics, Active and Passive Sensing Technologies, and Near Surface Phenomenology

  • Developing new or improved computational tools for military users

  • Performing studies, analysis, and numerical modeling relating sensor technology to geological and man-made materials and/or structures

Protective Structures, Survivability, and Weapons and Explosive Effects Technology

  • Performing studies, analyses, and numerical modeling relating weapon/explosive interaction and other dynamic loads with geologic and man made materials an/or structures

  • Developing algorithms models relating to weapons and explosive effects to soil/structure interaction 

  • Developing computational tools; performing studies of risk, vulnerability, and consequences of a broad spectrum of threats against protective systems and critical infrastructure

Pavement Technology

  • Conducting system and subsystem experiments and evaluations (computer, laboratory, or field)

  • Performing pavement structural evaluation, analysis, and design using state-of-the-art finite computer models

  • Conducting condition assessments of military airfield pavement and railroad systems and reporting the results 

Concrete and Materials Technology

  • Performing tests to evaluate repair and rehabilitation systems and materials to provide functional and economical concrete repair systems for Corps of Engineers waterways control structures

  • Performing materials testing, mineralogical and geomechanical analysis of a variety of materials such as aggregate, riprap, armor stone, waterstop, joint seal, cement, pozzollan

  • Evaluating the chemical deterioration of cementitious, bituminous, and other natural materials systems using infrared spectrometry, energy-dispersive chemical analysis, isothermal calorimetry , mass spectrometry, gas chromatographs, and inductively coupled plasma spectrometry

Mobility Systems

  • Conducting field research, at military installations, to evaluate analytical and mobility performance characteristics of military vehicles and vehicle systems 

  • Developing analytical equations/algorithms and implementing computer models of all aspects of vehicle performance that are influenced by soil effects, soil and vehicle dynamics, vegetation obstacles, and other elements of the physical environment

  • Conducting research to improve design and elevation of vehicles and systems used to execute two of the five key Combat Engineer missions, mobility and counter-mobility

  • Conducting test and evaluation of vehicle concepts and designs 

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